Top 5 Wednesday – SF&F TBR

As most will be aware, this feature is hosted weekly by Thoughts on Tomes.

I rather quite like this week as it gives me an opportunity to look through my Goodreads TBR and potentially work out what is going to be part of my next haul as my wallet is getting the itch to spend £s on books!

One. Strange The Dreamer by Laini Taylor

Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer, #1)

So this is one guaranteed to be in my next haul as it is now released into the world and I just so happen to be a massive Laini Taylor fan ever since the Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series. I wouldn’t even say that it was the stories, in particular, that I loved about Laini’s previous series, but moreso the telling of them and the beautiful way she weaves words! Plus, from the reviews I’ve seen so far on this, my expectations are going to continue to be met with this one!

Two. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1)

This one is mostly on my TBR due to the hype surrounding, plus it has been recommended a number of times to me. I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with space. I find it so fascinating that there is this whole expansive universe outwith our little planet, but at the same time the thought completely terrifies me! So, when I get a chance to explore this universe, fictionally or otherwise, I always tend to uptake the opportunity. Also, the fact that it is told through e-mails, documents etc. is something that intrigues me.

Three. Because You Love to Hate Me by Various Authors & Booktubers

Because You Love to Hate Me: 13 Tales of Villainy

I am a huge fan of fairytales and fairytale retellings, so it only makes sense that this would make it on my list; particularly as this one is surrounding the VILLAINS! This combined with the fact that the lineup of authors who have contributed to this is EPIC! Samantha Shannon, Marissa Meyer, Victora Schwab!!!! Like, seriously!!! Plus, I love that this is a collaboration between authors and the book reviewing community.

Four. Anything by Neil Gaiman

American Gods (American Gods, #1)

This is one of my TBRs that I am slightly ashamed of. Neil Gaiman is one of those authors that I just know I will love, but I have yet to truly read anything he has done. So, I need to pull the finger out and get started on some of these! If you have read any of Gaiman’s works, recommendations on where to start would be most welcome! 🙂

Five. SF&F Series I Want to Finish

The Sword of Summer (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, #1) A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic, #2) The Boy Who Lost Fairyland (Fairyland, #4)

So, this is a collective fifth (and I hope you will allow me) of series I have started and have yet to finish, not because I didn’t really enjoy them, just because the problem with being a reader is there is SO many worlds demanding our attention. I want to complete all of the Rick Riordan’s I haven’t started. I love all his series as I have an interest in mythology, and I love the easy way his series read whilst still being unashamedly enjoyable. I just finished a Darker Shade of Magic and lovvvveeeeed it, so it makes sense the rest of this series would be on here. Finally, this is one that has been on my TBR for a while. The Fairyland series by Catherynne Valente is a beautiful and magical series, and this is the fourth installment which I will definitely get round to eventually!

So, that wraps that up! Let me know your top 5 or link me to your post in the comments – would love to have a nosey and see if there is anything else I should be putting on my TBR!


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Harry Potter Moment of the Week

So, I came across this via Caffeinated Bibliophile  and it was originally created by Uncorked Thoughts, now hosted by Lunar Rainbows.

Is there any better topic to be discussing on your book blog on the weekend? I think not. This week the focus is around Dumbeldore’s Army and the question is as follows:-

“Would you have joined Dumbledore’s Army? Even with Umbridge breathing down your neck?”

So, when it comes to politics and people’s rights and the like, I can be very opinionated and can get very involved in discussion surrounding these. To call me an activist would be a disservice as typically I am good at talking things out, but when it comes to action I become hesitant and self-doubting. I often allow fear to overwhelm me when in the face of genuine change. This fear usually takes the form of:-

  • “What if no one cares what I have to say or do?”
  • “What if I don’t make the impact I want to make?”
  • “What if I am wrong?”

I think the last question in particular is quite dangerous, as typically things that are political don’t necessarily have ‘right’ answers. You will always find people on both sides of an argument, and usually majority wins… but that doesn’t necessarily make them right.

As part of my job, I also act as the lead for Equality and Diversity and try my best to instill change within my workplace to make it more inclusive for all. I have my moments where I am super passionate and can’t wait to get out there and make a change, and then other days I suffer from reluctance out of self-doubt.

So, in answer to the question, I most definitely believe I would be a member of Dumbledore’s Army as I believed in their cause within the books. I am just uncertain as to how hesitant I would be when it came to action.

What are your thoughts? Would you be like me? or a full blown activist? Would you NOT join? If so, I would be particularly interested to hear why.

Thanks folks! 🙂


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The Ultimate Vacation Book Tag

I was very kindly tagged by Angelica @ TheBookCoverGirls (is it just me who reads their blog name with their inner RuPaul? Just me? That’s cool). This paradisaical tag was originally developed by Brookie @ BrookieCowles

P.S I have been informed that doing this tag does not include the vacations it so beautifully describes…


  1. Answer the Questions Below
  2. Tag 5 Folks
  3. Link back to (the creator of the tag) in your post


It’s the dead of winter and you are escaping to a tropical location. Hours in the sun with a book are on your “to-do” list. What book do you bring with you?

So this will become very relevant very soon. We recently booked a holiday to Mexico in November, and if you’ve ever visited Scotland you will understand how perfect the above description is. I haven’t really considered what to bring with me quite yet, but considering I will be lapping it up in all inclusive luxury being waited on hand on foot, I may as well revisit my inner Miranda Priestly, no? (I should say this is one of the rare cases where I actually do prefer the movie to the book, but heyho!)

You see the first signs of spring and your heart beats faster with the thought of warmer days. You are escaping for a nice cruise to herald in the warm weather. What book do you bring to accompany you on the decks of the ship?

So you are on a cruise, literally in the middle of nowhere really, so this book has to be a mix of the ultimate feel good escapism, right? This series is sheer perfection for me. It is an original fairytale that could be described as a modern day Alice in Wonderland. I love how beautifully random these books are, and how you quite literally have no clue where they will take you next. If you’ve never read this series you must! Plus the covers are absolutely beautiful for any bookshelf!

Summer has arrived! You spend your weekends camping in the mountains. Fresh air, trees, animals, and campfires keep you company on your outing. What book do you bring to read next to the sound of the flowing creek?

This isn’t really a ‘summer read’ per say, but it was last summer I read this for the first time. I was out in the garden, sunglasses on and legs bathing in the warm sun as I delved into this truly emotional and beautifully written book based in New York. It explores sexuality, mental health and disability, which makes it absolutely packed with feels. It was up for a Man Booker at one point too, and a definite must-read albeit rather lengthy!

Fall is approaching. Nothing makes your happier than crunchy leaves turning red and orange and purple. You bring a book to the local park to read on a bench under the whispering trees. What book do you read?

I’m not sure why, but when I read this autumnal description, this was the first book that popped into my head. This is a rather cute, coming of age story following a girl called, Penelope, through the start of her university life. It’s not too heavy going, and is just a nice read. Definitely a contemporary I would recommend if you enjoyed the likes of Perks, and any John Green.

Christmas is in the air. Lights, and carolers, and shopping. You want to curl up next to the fireplace with a good book that reminds you of comfort. What do you curl up with?

So I am conscious this has been on my blog posts ALOT recently, so I won’t go into much detail. If you read my previous blog posts you will know this is my ultimate winter read when it is snowing outside, candles are lit and I am wrapped in a nice fluffy blanket!

Winter lasts sooooo long. You need something to remind you that the sun will come out again. What book to you read to take you away on the vacation you wish you were going on?

This one was the trickiest one for me, as this is likely around New Year time when you are looking at fresh starts and want to be inspired to create resolutions that you are likely to fail in a matter of months. When I considered this, I really could see no other choice, really? Does an explanation need to be made for this? Really?


I tag the following five blogs for this tag 🙂

  1. Bentley @ BookBastion
  2. 2. Madge @ CaffeinatedBibliophile
  3. 3. Elou @ ElouCarroll
  4. 4. Sophie @ SophieTheStark
  5. 5. Jackie @ toomuchofabooknerd

If you decide to do the tag, make sure to link me to your post in the comments so I can have a look! Also would love to hear your thoughts on my choices 🙂


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Top 5 Wednesday – Future Classics

As most will be aware, this feature is hosted weekly by Thoughts on Tomes.

So this weeks theme is a rather interesting one. Classics can mean different things to different people, as well as different things to yourself. You could consider something classic because it was, in your view, a storytelling masterpiece, a literary gymnast full of technique or perhaps it simply had a profound effect on readership as a whole that warrants a ‘classic’ accolade.

The brilliant thing about this particular Top 5 is that they can be a mix of books you love, hate or are indifferent towards. Classics are a genre that umbrellas all genres and are merely linked by their impact and contribution to the literary world over time. From the few T5W posts I have seen already today, there is clear agreement in some titles, and I will be equally suggesting some of these, but I hope also to explore some new considerations.

One. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

This is the third blog post in a row where I have featured this particular title. If that doesn’t scream classic to you then I am not certain what will. This is also one of the titles I have seen on every single T5W list so far. If you want my thoughts on this in more detail, I would refer you to my Weekly Big Three on Children’s Books.

Two. Harry Potter Series by J.K Rowling

Another one unlikely to shock and one featured on many lists already. The Harry Potter series for me was definitely a turning point in readership, particularly young readership. It single-handedly (arguably alongside the Twilight series) combated the modern world and young readers obsession with technology and online, and got them back to books. The Harry Potter fandom is unlike any other and these books have such significant place in my heart, as I am sure it will in many of yours.

Three. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon

This book truly is special. Stories with protagonists on the autism spectrum are not uncommon, but there is just something about the way Haddon tackles this topic that is so truly beautiful. The book itself puts the ‘murder mystery’ element to the front, and the fact that the character is autistic to the back. It gives us unique insight into the mind of someone on the autism spectrum that it allows the character to either be relatable, or at the very least, allows us the ability to sympathise. The play-version of this is touring the UK again this year, and I hope to catch it in Glasgow when it comes as I have heard rave reviews of that also.

Four. Life After Life by Kate Atkinson

I have decided to add this one to my list, simply because of the way it made me feel when I had first finished it. A story of woman who has the opportunity to live her life time and time again through the 20th century. It’s a unique interpretation of the Butterfly Effect theory as well as the idea that our paths are laid out for us. I am a major sucker for most things period, particularly early 20th-century, and this book was just simply beautiful. You get so attached to one ‘life’ of the character, only to feel such heartache when that particular path is stopped and life is once again reset. I implore anyone who has not read this to do so. I have doubts this would be considered a classic to most, but I have purposefully put it here simply because of the way it impacted on me.

Five. His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman

Did anyone else equally squeal with joy earlier this year when it was announced Pullman planned on revisiting this world? What a delight! This is the first series I remember tackling and truly loving next to Harry Potter. Such a unique world with all the home comforts of our own to keep us familiar. Adventure, philosophy, fantasy mixed with a hint of tragedy definitely makes this particular series a future classic in my eyes!


Well that concludes my particular top 5. Did I have similar ones to you? If you have done a blog post on this, please link me in the comments so I can go have a nosey!


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Weekly Big Three: Children’s Books

The Weekly Big Three is a feature created by Fire and Rain Books, and this weeks theme is children’s books. I used to run a children’s department when I worked in a bookstore, so I knew this was something I just HAD to post about. Before I begin, I would just like to give Harry Potter an honourable mention as it is obvious it would belong on this list, but I wanted to explore some other titles! I am also going to try and do one for each age group (toddler, middle-grade and teen!)

So, let us get started!


This one is a slight cheat, as it is basically ANY picture book by Oliver Jeffers… EVER. I know you probably weren’t anticipating me mentioning any picture books here, particularly as there is so many classic children’s book to choose from, but there is something about the beauty of Jeffers’ artwork and storytelling that is so utterly captivating that truly anyone can enjoy. When I used to recommend picture books, I would always try and recommend titles that both the child would enjoy as well as the parent reading to them.



This one will always stick with me. This was the book that my Primary Six teacher chose to read to us, and probably was my first introduction into the horror genre. About a young boy sent to a boarding school that is out of the ordinary, is not a concept we are unfamiliar with, but this does set itself apart somewhat and keeps its originality. I remember being so engrossed during storytime with this book, that I then decided to devour Horowitz’s other stuff like The Falcon’s Malteaser (again, another highly recommended mystery middle-grade book!)



When I first read the book thief it had just been released and was being sold as an adult book. But in recent years I have slowly seen this move into YA shelves as well, which I think is incredibly important as everyone should read this book at least once in their life. This is the first book I remember ever reading and thinking to myself ‘the writing in this is beautiful’. It truly is haunting, as one might expect given Death is our narrator, and educational in a most artful way. Strangely this book is a winter read for me and I enjoy it most close to Christmas time, wrapped in a blanket to beat off the cold, and has remained in my Top 5 books of all time since I first read it.


I hope this was insightful! I would love to know yours, so either comment below or link me to your posts. If you do decide to do a post on this, make sure to link back to the original page so that your options can be featured (and to give the creator their due credit as well).


The Zombie Apocalypse Book Tag

So, with thanks to DuskAngelReads, I have been tagged in my first ever book tag – so we shall see how this goes! 🙂




  1. Choose 5 Books
  2. Set the books out in a random order
  3. Randomly set up your books in order.
  4. Flip to a random page in the book and write the first two names you see.
  5. Put the names in the categories listed below in the order you saw them!
  6. Cry at how screwed you are…
  7. Tag some more people to join in the fun




Product DetailsProduct Details

Product DetailsProduct Details

Product Details




Book One: Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince by JK Rowling

  • The first person to die – Fred Weasley… this is a cruel game.
  • The first person you trip to escape the zombies – George Weasley


Book Two: The Song Rising by Samantha Shannon

  • The first person who trips you to escape the zombies – Nick… so unlike you, sotnos!
  • The team idiot – Ognena Maria… this is just ludicrous!


Book Three: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

  • The brains of the group – Liesel
  • The team medic – Rudy


Book Four: Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

  • Weapons expert – Wolf… suppose he would be qualified
  • Team brawler – Scarlet


Book Five: Dance with Dragons (Pt 2) by George R. R. Martin

  • First to turn into a zombie – Lady Melisandre
  • The team leader – Jon Snow…. all for this one to be honest!




Think I will tag the following three folks (apologies if you have done this tag before):-

This or That Challenge 83: Online vs. Bookshops

I discovered these particular challenges via paradisbooks and if you want to get involved in future This or That challenges you should go follow bookmarkchronicles who posts them.

This particular question is likely to create an internal struggle for anyone who is a book lover who wants to support authors and bookshops, whilst also considering the cost implications of perhaps doing so.

The original challenge stipulates that you have to pick one source where you buy the majority of your books, and for me this currently is online. However, I feel like I need to explain this a bit further.

I used to be a bookseller at Waterstones and at that time all of my books were bought from there. Not only did I get a really awesome discount on my regular impulse purchases, but I was always in the bookshop and therefore it was an extremely accessible source of new material.

Now that I have moved from the bookshop, I tend to find myself online a lot more. Payday comes around, and I will set up my list for the next month and purchase them all in a one-er and await delivery, not having to leave the comfort of my own house/office/whatever. For these kind of purchases, it very rarely is a result of browsing and moreso me ticking off my wishlist. I abhor browsing online and that truly is where bookshops excel.

Therefore, when I am in close vicinity to a bookshop or second hand shops, I will always make the effort to go in for a browse and purchase at least one new and unfamiliar title that manages to grab my attention. These particular purchases are the most exciting because usually they are unexpected and the impulsiveness of it all usually leaves me wanting to delve right in straight away!

So, in short, I buy my books from a variety of places. For those books which I know that I already want: online; and for those books where I want to discover something new: bookshops.

I haven’t really touched on the financial implications between the two, but it is well known you can get things far cheaper online. However, I think this is down to people’s personal finances and what they can afford. At the end of the day, I will promote anything that gets books in peoples hands.
